Sunday, May 16, 2010

Countdown: 25 days

This is something that makes me happy. Very, VERY happy!!!. 25 days from now all eyes will be on my little country as 31 of the best soccer teams battle it out for the world cup. Yes folks, I am a South African (a dual citizen with a America) and a very proud one at that.

I'm a FIFA volunteer and will be working at one of the stadiums. It is going to be a lot of hard work but a once in a life time opportunity. I am very aware that there has been a lot of bad press- especially overseas. Some of it is warranted. Most of the overseas stuff is absolute rubbish. South Africa does have a high crime rate but there is no- and there has not been a "Bloodbath" as one UK newspaper said. Crime a lot of the time boils down to a foreigner's common sense- for heaven's sake DON'T go walking down a quiet street after dark. You may be able to do that in your home country but sadly poverty, lack of education (among many reasons) has made people in this country rather desperate and turn to crime.

Despite the negativity I choose to hope that this will be something that will bring this country together. Someone once said to me that God blessed us with a sport like soccer to give us joy and I really can believe that when my team scores. But there of course is a lot of heartache because there can only be one winner. I must admit though, even as a female soccer fan there is a part of me that is dumbfounded that all this fuss is about 22 grown men chasing a ball.... :p

This is the official anthem for the 2010 World Cup. I love the song and the music video is hilarious.....

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